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- /* TextView.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "TextView.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- #include "TextStorage.h"
- /* width of the edit area in pixels */
- #define HARDCODEDMAXWIDTH (5000)
- struct TextViewRec
- {
- TextStorageRec* Storage;
- WinType* Window;
- OrdType X;
- OrdType Y;
- OrdType Width;
- OrdType Height;
- FontType FontID;
- FontSizeType FontSize;
- OrdType LineHeight;
- long CurrentTopLine;
- OrdType PixelIndent;
- long SpacesPerTab;
- long SelectStartLine;
- long SelectStartChar;
- long SelectEndLine;
- long SelectEndCharPlusOne;
- MyBoolean CursorEnabledFlag;
- MyBoolean CursorDrawnFlag;
- double LastCursorFlashTime;
- };
- /* create a new text view object */
- TextViewRec* NewTextView(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height, long SpacesPerTab,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType PointSize)
- {
- TextViewRec* View;
- View = (TextViewRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(TextViewRec),"TextViewRec");
- if (View == NIL)
- {
- MemOut1:
- return NIL;
- }
- View->Storage = NewTextStorage();
- if (View->Storage == NIL)
- {
- MemOut2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)View);
- goto MemOut1;
- }
- View->Window = Window;
- View->X = X;
- View->Y = Y;
- View->Width = Width;
- View->Height = Height;
- View->FontID = Font;
- View->FontSize = PointSize;
- View->LineHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,PointSize);
- View->CurrentTopLine = 0;
- View->PixelIndent = 0;
- View->SpacesPerTab = SpacesPerTab;
- View->SelectStartLine = 0;
- View->SelectStartChar = 0;
- View->SelectEndLine = 0;
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = 0;
- View->CursorEnabledFlag = False;
- View->CursorDrawnFlag = True;
- View->LastCursorFlashTime = ReadTimer();
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- return View;
- }
- /* dispose the text view object and all data it contains */
- void DisposeTextView(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- DisposeTextStorage(View->Storage);
- ReleasePtr((char*)View);
- }
- /* find out where the text view object is located on the screen */
- OrdType GetTextViewXLoc(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->X;
- }
- /* find out where the text view object is located on the screen */
- OrdType GetTextViewYLoc(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->Y;
- }
- /* find out where the text view object is located on the screen */
- OrdType GetTextViewWidth(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->Width;
- }
- /* find out where the text view object is located on the screen */
- OrdType GetTextViewHeight(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->Height;
- }
- /* find out what font the text is being displayed in */
- FontType GetTextViewFont(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->FontID;
- }
- /* find out what font the text is being displayed in */
- FontSizeType GetTextViewPointSize(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->FontSize;
- }
- /* find out how many spaces are displayed for each tab */
- long GetTextViewSpacesPerTab(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->SpacesPerTab;
- }
- /* find out what the index of the top line on the display is */
- long GetTextViewTopLine(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->CurrentTopLine;
- }
- /* find out what the pixel position of the leftmost character displayed is */
- OrdType GetTextViewPixelIndent(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->PixelIndent;
- }
- /* returns True if the selection contains more than 0 characters */
- MyBoolean TextViewIsThereValidSelection(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return (View->SelectStartLine != View->SelectEndLine)
- || (View->SelectStartChar != View->SelectEndCharPlusOne);
- }
- /* get the index of the starting line of the selection */
- long GetTextViewSelectStartLine(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->SelectStartLine;
- }
- /* get the index of the last line of the selection */
- long GetTextViewSelectEndLine(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->SelectEndLine;
- }
- /* get the index of the starting character of the selection */
- long GetTextViewSelectStartChar(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->SelectStartChar;
- }
- /* get the index of the character after the end of the selection. if the starting */
- /* line == ending line, and starting char == last char + 1, then there is no */
- /* selection, but instead an insertion point */
- long GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->SelectEndCharPlusOne;
- }
- /* find out if display of inverted selection text is enabled */
- MyBoolean TextViewIsShowSelectionEnabled(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->CursorEnabledFlag;
- }
- /* find out if any changes have been made to the text view object since */
- /* the last call to TextViewHasBeenSaved */
- MyBoolean TextViewDoesItNeedToBeSaved(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageHasDataChanged(View->Storage);
- }
- /* see if the specified position is within the text view box */
- MyBoolean TextViewHitTest(TextViewRec* View, OrdType X, OrdType Y)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return (X >= View->X) && (Y >= View->Y) && (X < View->X + View->Width)
- && (Y < View->Y + View->Height);
- }
- /* find out the total number of lines in the text view box */
- long GetTextViewNumLines(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageGetLineCount(View->Storage);
- }
- /* find out how many characters the specified line contains */
- long GetTextViewLineLength(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageGetLineLength(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- }
- /* get the height of a line of text (font height) */
- OrdType GetTextViewLineHeight(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return View->LineHeight;
- }
- /* change where in the window the text view box is located */
- void SetTextViewPosition(TextViewRec* View, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- View->X = X;
- View->Y = Y;
- View->Width = Width;
- View->Height = Height;
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- }
- /* change the font being used to display the text */
- void SetTextViewFontStuff(TextViewRec* View, FontType Font,
- FontSizeType Size)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- View->FontID = Font;
- View->FontSize = Size;
- View->LineHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,Size);
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- }
- /* change the number of spaces displayed for each tab */
- void SetTextViewTabSize(TextViewRec* View, long SpacesPerTab)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- View->SpacesPerTab = SpacesPerTab;
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- }
- /* set the index of the top line being displayed in the text box */
- void SetTextViewTopLine(TextViewRec* View, long NewTopLine)
- {
- long NumLinesToShiftBy;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- if (NewTopLine > GetTextViewNumLines(View) - TextViewNumVisibleLines(View) + 1)
- {
- NewTopLine = GetTextViewNumLines(View) - TextViewNumVisibleLines(View) + 1;
- }
- if (NewTopLine < 0)
- {
- NewTopLine = 0;
- }
- NumLinesToShiftBy = View->CurrentTopLine - NewTopLine;
- View->CurrentTopLine = NewTopLine;
- /* positive == scroll down; negative == scroll up */
- if ((NumLinesToShiftBy > TextViewNumVisibleLines(View))
- || (- NumLinesToShiftBy > TextViewNumVisibleLines(View)))
- {
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- }
- else
- {
- SetClipRect(View->Window,View->X,View->Y,View->Width,View->Height);
- ScrollArea(View->Window,View->X,View->Y,View->Width,
- View->Height,0,NumLinesToShiftBy * View->LineHeight);
- if (NumLinesToShiftBy > 0)
- {
- /* scrolled down, opening new lines at top */
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,NewTopLine,NewTopLine + NumLinesToShiftBy);
- }
- else
- {
- /* scrolled up, opening new lines at bottom */
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,NewTopLine + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(View) - 1)
- + NumLinesToShiftBy/*which is negative*/,
- NewTopLine + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(View) - 1));
- }
- }
- }
- /* set the index of the leftmost character in the text edit box */
- void SetTextViewPixelIndent(TextViewRec* View, OrdType NewPixelIndent)
- {
- long OldPixelIndent;
- long VirtualWindowWidth;
- /* this routine could be improved; but don't forget to SetClipRect! */
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- OldPixelIndent = View->PixelIndent;
- VirtualWindowWidth = TextViewGetVirtualWindowWidth(View);
- if (NewPixelIndent > VirtualWindowWidth - View->Width)
- {
- NewPixelIndent = VirtualWindowWidth - View->Width;
- }
- if (NewPixelIndent < 0)
- {
- NewPixelIndent = 0;
- }
- if (OldPixelIndent != NewPixelIndent)
- {
- View->PixelIndent = NewPixelIndent;
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- }
- }
- /* set the selection to the specified area */
- void SetTextViewSelection(TextViewRec* View, long StartLine,
- long StartChar, long EndLine, long EndCharPlusOne)
- {
- long OldSelectStartLine;
- long OldSelectEndLine;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- ERROR((StartLine > EndLine) || ((StartLine == EndLine)
- && (StartChar > EndCharPlusOne)),
- PRERR(AllowResume,"SetTextViewSelection: Start line after end line"));
- if (StartLine > GetTextViewNumLines(View) - 1)
- {
- StartLine = GetTextViewNumLines(View) - 1;
- StartChar = GetTextViewLineLength(View,StartLine);
- }
- if (EndLine > GetTextViewNumLines(View) - 1)
- {
- EndLine = GetTextViewNumLines(View) - 1;
- EndCharPlusOne = GetTextViewLineLength(View,EndLine);
- }
- if (StartChar > GetTextViewLineLength(View,StartLine))
- {
- StartChar = GetTextViewLineLength(View,StartLine);
- }
- if (EndCharPlusOne > GetTextViewLineLength(View,EndLine))
- {
- EndCharPlusOne = GetTextViewLineLength(View,EndLine);
- }
- if ((StartLine == EndLine) && (StartChar == EndCharPlusOne))
- {
- /* make an insertion point always show up right away in it's new location */
- View->CursorDrawnFlag = True;
- View->LastCursorFlashTime = ReadTimer();
- }
- OldSelectStartLine = View->SelectStartLine;
- OldSelectEndLine = View->SelectEndLine;
- View->SelectStartLine = StartLine;
- View->SelectEndLine = EndLine;
- View->SelectStartChar = StartChar;
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = EndCharPlusOne;
- if ((StartLine > OldSelectEndLine) || (EndLine < OldSelectStartLine))
- {
- /* old and new selection ranges are disjoint */
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,OldSelectStartLine,OldSelectEndLine);
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,StartLine,EndLine);
- }
- else if ((StartLine >= OldSelectStartLine) && (StartLine <= OldSelectEndLine))
- {
- long Begin;
- long End;
- /* | old selection |.......| */
- /* | new selection | */
- /* we want to draw the line that overlaps due to partial selection */
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,OldSelectStartLine,StartLine);
- if (OldSelectEndLine < EndLine)
- {
- Begin = OldSelectEndLine;
- End = EndLine;
- }
- else
- {
- Begin = EndLine;
- End = OldSelectEndLine;
- }
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,Begin,End);
- }
- else if ((OldSelectStartLine >= StartLine) && (OldSelectStartLine <= EndLine))
- {
- long Begin;
- long End;
- /* | old selection | */
- /* | new selection |.....| */
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,StartLine,OldSelectStartLine);
- if (OldSelectEndLine < EndLine)
- {
- Begin = OldSelectEndLine;
- End = EndLine;
- }
- else
- {
- Begin = EndLine;
- End = OldSelectEndLine;
- }
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,Begin,End);
- }
- else
- {
- long Minimum;
- long Maximum;
- /* we don't know what the hell is going on */
- if (OldSelectStartLine < StartLine)
- {
- Minimum = OldSelectStartLine;
- }
- else
- {
- Minimum = StartLine;
- }
- if (OldSelectEndLine > EndLine)
- {
- Maximum = OldSelectEndLine;
- }
- else
- {
- Maximum = EndLine;
- }
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,Minimum,Maximum);
- }
- }
- /* set the selection to an insertion point at the specified position */
- void SetTextViewInsertionPoint(TextViewRec* View, long Line, long Char)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- SetTextViewSelection(View,Line,Char,Line,Char);
- }
- /* enable the display of inverted selected text */
- void EnableTextViewSelection(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- View->CursorEnabledFlag = True;
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,View->SelectStartLine,View->SelectEndLine);
- }
- /* disable the display of inverted selected text */
- void DisableTextViewSelection(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- View->CursorEnabledFlag = False;
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,View->SelectStartLine,View->SelectEndLine);
- }
- /* indicate that any changes to the text have been recognized */
- void TextViewHasBeenSaved(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- TextStorageDataIsUpToDate(View->Storage);
- }
- /* break the specified line at the specified character index. this is used */
- /* for when they hit carriage return in the middle of a line */
- MyBoolean TextViewBreakLine(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex, long CharIndex)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- ReturnValue = TextStorageBreakLine(View->Storage,LineIndex,CharIndex);
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,LineIndex,TextStorageGetLineCount(View->Storage)
- + TextViewNumVisibleLines(View));
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* concatenate the line after the specified line onto the end of the */
- /* specified line. Used for hitting delete at the beginning of a line */
- MyBoolean TextViewFoldLines(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- ReturnValue = TextStorageFoldLines(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- TextViewRedrawRange(View,LineIndex,TextStorageGetLineCount(View->Storage)
- + TextViewNumVisibleLines(View) + 1);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* do a complete redraw of the text view box */
- void TextViewFullRedraw(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- Limit = View->CurrentTopLine + TextViewNumVisibleLines(View);
- for (Scan = View->CurrentTopLine; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- TextViewRedrawLine(View,Scan);
- }
- }
- /* redraw the specified line */
- void TextViewRedrawLine(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex)
- {
- OrdType YOffset;
- char* Line;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- if ((LineIndex < View->CurrentTopLine)
- || (LineIndex >= View->CurrentTopLine + TextViewNumVisibleLines(View)))
- {
- /* don't draw lines that aren't on screen */
- return;
- }
- YOffset = (LineIndex - View->CurrentTopLine) * View->LineHeight;
- if (!IsRectVisible(View->Window,View->X,View->Y + YOffset,
- View->Width,View->LineHeight))
- {
- /* don't bother redrawing if the line isn't visible */
- return;
- }
- SetClipRect(View->Window,View->X,View->Y,View->Width,View->Height);
- if ((LineIndex < 0) || (LineIndex >= TextStorageGetLineCount(View->Storage)))
- {
- /* degenerate blank line draw routine for nonexistent lines */
- NopePoint:
- DrawBoxErase(View->Window,View->X,View->Y + YOffset,
- View->Width,View->LineHeight);
- return;
- }
- Line = GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(View,LineIndex);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- goto NopePoint;
- }
- if ((LineIndex < View->SelectStartLine) || (LineIndex > View->SelectEndLine)
- || !View->CursorEnabledFlag)
- {
- /* normal draw -- no part of the line is selected */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),PtrSize(Line),View->X - View->PixelIndent,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- DrawBoxErase(View->Window,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(Line[0]),
- PtrSize(Line),ePlain),View->Y + YOffset,
- View->Width + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((View->SelectStartLine == View->SelectEndLine)
- && (View->SelectStartChar == View->SelectEndCharPlusOne))
- {
- /* it's just an insertion point */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),PtrSize(Line),View->X - View->PixelIndent,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* erase white space at end of line */
- DrawBoxErase(View->Window,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(Line[0]),
- PtrSize(Line),ePlain),View->Y + YOffset,
- View->Width + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- if (View->CursorDrawnFlag)
- {
- DrawLine(View->Window,eBlack,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(View,LineIndex,
- View->SelectStartChar),
- View->Y + YOffset,0,View->LineHeight - 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- long SelectStartColumn;
- long SelectEndColumnPlusOne;
- /* real live selection */
- /* since SelectStart/End deals in chars, but we deal in columns */
- /* (i.e. tabs expanded), we have to do a conversion: */
- SelectStartColumn = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(View,
- View->SelectStartLine,View->SelectStartChar);
- SelectEndColumnPlusOne = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(View,
- View->SelectEndLine,View->SelectEndCharPlusOne);
- if ((View->SelectStartLine == LineIndex)
- && (View->SelectEndLine == LineIndex))
- {
- OrdType StepWidth;
- /* it's all on the same line, but not an insertion point */
- /* draw leading white area */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectStartColumn,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent,View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of leading white area */
- StepWidth = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectStartColumn,ePlain);
- /* draw middle black area */
- InvertedTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectStartColumn]),
- SelectEndColumnPlusOne - SelectStartColumn,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent + StepWidth,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of middle black area */
- StepWidth += LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectStartColumn]),
- SelectEndColumnPlusOne - SelectStartColumn,ePlain);
- /* draw trailing white area */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectEndColumnPlusOne]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectEndColumnPlusOne,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent + StepWidth,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* calculate start of white space after eoln */
- StepWidth += LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectEndColumnPlusOne]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectEndColumnPlusOne,ePlain);
- /* erase white space after end of line */
- DrawBoxErase(View->Window,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + StepWidth,View->Y + YOffset,View->Width
- + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- }
- else if ((View->SelectStartLine < LineIndex)
- && (View->SelectEndLine > LineIndex))
- {
- /* whole line is inverted */
- InvertedTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),PtrSize(Line),View->X - View->PixelIndent,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- DrawBoxPaint(View->Window,eBlack,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(Line[0]),
- PtrSize(Line),ePlain),View->Y + YOffset,
- View->Width + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- }
- else if (View->SelectStartLine == LineIndex)
- {
- OrdType StepWidth;
- /* end of line is inverted */
- /* draw leading white area */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectStartColumn,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent,View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of leading white area */
- StepWidth = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectStartColumn,ePlain);
- /* draw ending black area */
- InvertedTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectStartColumn]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectStartColumn,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent + StepWidth,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of ending black area */
- StepWidth += LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectStartColumn]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectStartColumn,ePlain);
- /* draw black space after end of line */
- DrawBoxPaint(View->Window,eBlack,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + StepWidth,View->Y + YOffset,View->Width
- + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- }
- else if (View->SelectEndLine == LineIndex)
- {
- OrdType StepWidth;
- /* start of line is inverted */
- /* draw leading black area */
- InvertedTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectEndColumnPlusOne,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent,View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of leading black area */
- StepWidth = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[0]),SelectEndColumnPlusOne,ePlain);
- /* draw ending white area */
- DrawTextLine(View->Window,View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectEndColumnPlusOne]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectEndColumnPlusOne,
- View->X - View->PixelIndent + StepWidth,
- View->Y + YOffset,ePlain);
- /* find width of ending white area */
- StepWidth += LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,
- &(Line[SelectEndColumnPlusOne]),
- PtrSize(Line) - SelectEndColumnPlusOne,ePlain);
- /* draw white space after end of line */
- DrawBoxErase(View->Window,View->X - View->PixelIndent
- + StepWidth,View->Y + YOffset,View->Width
- + View->PixelIndent,View->LineHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,
- "Internal conditional hole in TextViewRedrawLine"));
- }
- }
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- /* redraw a series of lines */
- void TextViewRedrawRange(TextViewRec* View, long StartLine, long EndLine)
- {
- long Scan;
- for (Scan = StartLine; Scan <= EndLine; Scan += 1)
- {
- TextViewRedrawLine(View,Scan);
- }
- }
- /* update the cursor. this should be called every time there is an idle */
- /* event. periodically, it will blink the insertion point state (if there */
- /* is no valid selection) */
- void TextViewUpdateCursor(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- if (View->CursorEnabledFlag && !TextViewIsThereValidSelection(View)
- && (TimerDifference(ReadTimer(),View->LastCursorFlashTime)
- > GetCursorBlinkRate()))
- {
- View->CursorDrawnFlag = !View->CursorDrawnFlag;
- TextViewRedrawLine(View,View->SelectStartLine);
- View->LastCursorFlashTime = ReadTimer();
- }
- }
- /* find out the pixel index of the left edge of the specified character */
- OrdType TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex,
- long CharIndex)
- {
- char* FixedLine;
- OrdType Indent;
- long ColumnIndex;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- FixedLine = GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(View,LineIndex);
- if (FixedLine == NIL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- ColumnIndex = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(View,LineIndex,CharIndex);
- Indent = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(FixedLine[0]),
- ColumnIndex,ePlain);
- ReleasePtr(FixedLine);
- return Indent;
- }
- /* convert a pixel position into the nearest character */
- long TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex,
- OrdType ScreenX)
- {
- char* Line;
- long ColumnIndex;
- long CharIndexLowBound;
- long CharIndexHighBound;
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- OrdType Length;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- if ((LineIndex < 0) || (LineIndex >= GetTextViewNumLines(View)))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- Line = GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(View,LineIndex);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- Limit = PtrSize(Line);
- Scan = 0;
- Length = 0;
- while (Scan < Limit)
- {
- OrdType Length2;
- OrdType Center;
- Length2 = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(Line[0]),
- Scan + 1,ePlain);
- Center = (Length + Length2) / 2;
- if (ScreenX <= Length2)
- {
- if (ScreenX - Center < 0)
- {
- ColumnIndex = Scan;
- goto OutPoint;
- }
- else
- {
- ColumnIndex = Scan + 1;
- }
- }
- Scan += 1;
- Length = Length2;
- }
- ColumnIndex = Limit;
- /* now we have the column index, with tabs expanded; we have to figure */
- /* out what the character index is, with tabs left intact */
- OutPoint:
- CharIndexLowBound = 0;
- CharIndexHighBound = ColumnIndex; /* tabs never reduce to FEWER spaces! */
- /* test for convergence again... */
- while (CharIndexLowBound < CharIndexHighBound)
- {
- long MidPoint;
- long MidColumnIndex;
- MidPoint = (CharIndexLowBound + CharIndexHighBound) / 2;
- MidColumnIndex = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(View,LineIndex,MidPoint);
- if (MidColumnIndex < ColumnIndex)
- {
- if (CharIndexLowBound == MidPoint)
- {
- CharIndexLowBound = MidPoint + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- CharIndexLowBound = MidPoint;
- }
- }
- else if (MidColumnIndex > ColumnIndex)
- {
- CharIndexHighBound = MidPoint;
- }
- else /* they're the same */
- {
- CharIndexLowBound = MidPoint;
- CharIndexHighBound = MidPoint;
- }
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- return CharIndexLowBound;
- }
- /* find out how many lines are visible on the screen */
- long TextViewNumVisibleLines(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- long Temp;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- Temp = View->Height / View->LineHeight;
- if ((View->Height % View->LineHeight) != 0)
- {
- /* part of a line is visible */
- Temp += 1;
- }
- return Temp;
- }
- /* get the width of the horizontal scrollable area */
- OrdType TextViewGetVirtualWindowWidth(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- #if 0
- /* this stuff doesn't quite work (too slow) so it's been commented out */
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- OrdType CurrentMaxWidth;
- long LineCount;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- Limit = View->CurrentTopLine + TextViewNumVisibleLines(View);
- CurrentMaxWidth = View->Width;
- LineCount = TextStorageGetLineCount(View->Storage);
- if (Limit >= LineCount)
- {
- Limit = LineCount - 1;
- }
- for (Scan = View->CurrentTopLine; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- char* Line;
- Line = GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(View,Scan);
- if (Line != NIL)
- {
- OrdType Length;
- Length = LengthOfText(View->FontID,View->FontSize,&(Line[0]),
- PtrSize(Line),ePlain);
- if (CurrentMaxWidth < Length)
- {
- CurrentMaxWidth = Length;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- }
- if (CurrentMaxWidth > View->Width)
- {
- /* make some space so that the cursor is visible */
- CurrentMaxWidth += 3;
- }
- return CurrentMaxWidth;
- #else
- #endif
- }
- /* get a copy of the specified line */
- char* GetTextViewLine(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageGetLineCopy(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- }
- /* get a copy of the specified line, but first convert all tabs to the */
- /* appropriate number of spaces */
- char* GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex)
- {
- long Length;
- long TotalExtraSpace;
- char* Temp2;
- long CharScan;
- long TargetIndex;
- MyBoolean TabsFound;
- char* BasePtr;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- BasePtr = TextStorageGetActualLine(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- Length = PtrSize(BasePtr);
- TotalExtraSpace = 0;
- TargetIndex = 0;
- TabsFound = False;
- for (CharScan = 0; CharScan < Length; CharScan += 1)
- {
- if (BasePtr[CharScan] == 0x09)
- {
- TotalExtraSpace += View->SpacesPerTab
- - (TargetIndex % View->SpacesPerTab) - 1;
- TargetIndex += View->SpacesPerTab
- - (TargetIndex % View->SpacesPerTab);
- TabsFound = True;
- }
- else
- {
- TargetIndex += 1;
- }
- }
- if ((TotalExtraSpace != 0) || TabsFound)
- {
- TargetIndex = 0;
- Temp2 = AllocPtrCanFail(Length + TotalExtraSpace,"TabExpandedLine");
- if (Temp2 == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- for (CharScan = 0; CharScan < Length; CharScan += 1)
- {
- if (BasePtr[CharScan] == 0x09)
- {
- long Index;
- Index = View->SpacesPerTab - (TargetIndex % View->SpacesPerTab);
- while (Index > 0)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Temp2,&(Temp2[TargetIndex]),sizeof(char));
- Temp2[TargetIndex] = 0x20;
- TargetIndex += 1;
- Index -= 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PRNGCHK(Temp2,&(Temp2[TargetIndex]),sizeof(char));
- Temp2[TargetIndex] = BasePtr[CharScan];
- TargetIndex += 1;
- }
- }
- ERROR(PtrSize(Temp2) != TargetIndex,PRERR(AllowResume,
- "GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine: Internal error converting tabs to spaces"));
- }
- else
- {
- Temp2 = AllocPtrCanFail(PtrSize(BasePtr),"TabExpandedLine");
- if (Temp2 == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- PRNGCHK(Temp2,&(Temp2[0]),PtrSize(BasePtr));
- CopyData(BasePtr,Temp2,PtrSize(BasePtr));
- }
- return Temp2;
- }
- /* given a character index, calculate where the corresponding position is */
- /* when tabs have been converted into spaces */
- long TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(TextViewRec* View,
- long LineIndex, long CharIndex)
- {
- long CharScan;
- long TargetIndex;
- char* BasePtr;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- BasePtr = TextStorageGetActualLine(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- if (CharIndex > PtrSize(BasePtr))
- {
- CharIndex = PtrSize(BasePtr);
- }
- ERROR((CharIndex < 0) || (CharIndex > PtrSize(BasePtr)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex char range exceeded"));
- TargetIndex = 0;
- for (CharScan = 0; CharScan < CharIndex; CharScan += 1)
- {
- if (BasePtr[CharScan] == 0x09)
- {
- TargetIndex += View->SpacesPerTab
- - (TargetIndex % View->SpacesPerTab);
- }
- else
- {
- TargetIndex += 1;
- }
- }
- return TargetIndex;
- }
- /* put a new line of data in. data on the old line is replaced */
- MyBoolean SetTextViewLine(TextViewRec* View, long LineIndex, char* LineToCopy)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- ReturnValue = TextStorageChangeLine(View->Storage,LineIndex,LineToCopy);
- if ((View->SelectStartLine == LineIndex) && (View->SelectStartChar
- > TextStorageGetLineLength(View->Storage,LineIndex)))
- {
- View->SelectStartChar = TextStorageGetLineLength(View->Storage,LineIndex);
- }
- if ((View->SelectEndLine == LineIndex) && (View->SelectEndCharPlusOne
- > TextStorageGetLineLength(View->Storage,LineIndex)))
- {
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = TextStorageGetLineLength(View->Storage,
- LineIndex);
- }
- TextViewRedrawLine(View,LineIndex);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a copy of the selected area */
- TextStorageRec* TextViewGetSelection(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageExtractSection(View->Storage,View->SelectStartLine,
- View->SelectStartChar,View->SelectEndLine,View->SelectEndCharPlusOne);
- }
- /* delete the selection. if this fails, the selection may have been partially */
- /* deleted */
- MyBoolean TextViewDeleteSelection(TextViewRec* View)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- ReturnValue = TextStorageDeleteSection(View->Storage,View->SelectStartLine,
- View->SelectStartChar,View->SelectEndLine,View->SelectEndCharPlusOne);
- View->SelectEndLine = View->SelectStartLine;
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = View->SelectStartChar;
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* insert a new block of data at the insertion point, deleting any existing */
- /* selection first. if this fails, the block may have been partially inserted */
- MyBoolean TextViewInsertBlock(TextViewRec* View, struct TextStorageRec* Data)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- if (TextViewIsThereValidSelection(View))
- {
- TextViewDeleteSelection(View);
- }
- ReturnValue = TextStorageInsertSection(View->Storage,View->SelectStartLine,
- View->SelectStartChar,Data);
- if (ReturnValue)
- {
- if (TextStorageGetLineCount(Data) == 1)
- {
- View->SelectStartChar += TextStorageGetLineLength(Data,0);
- }
- else
- {
- View->SelectStartChar = TextStorageGetLineLength(Data,
- TextStorageGetLineCount(Data) - 1);
- }
- View->SelectStartLine += TextStorageGetLineCount(Data) - 1;
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = View->SelectStartChar;
- View->SelectEndLine = View->SelectStartLine;
- }
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* convert the text view box into a packed buffer of lines. */
- char* TextViewGetRawData(TextViewRec* View, char* EOLN)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageMakeRawBuffer(View->Storage,EOLN);
- }
- /* delete the old data in the text view object and replace it with the */
- /* specified block of data */
- MyBoolean TextViewNewRawData(TextViewRec* View, char* EOLN, char* RawData)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Temp;
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- Temp = TextStorageFromRawBuffer(RawData,EOLN);
- if (Temp == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- DisposeTextStorage(View->Storage);
- View->Storage = Temp;
- View->SelectStartLine = 0;
- View->SelectStartChar = 0;
- View->SelectEndLine = 0;
- View->SelectEndCharPlusOne = 0;
- TextViewFullRedraw(View);
- return True;
- }
- /* write the data to a file. returns True if successful */
- MyBoolean TextViewWriteDataToFile(TextViewRec* View,
- struct FileType* FileRefNum, char* EOLN)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(View);
- return TextStorageWriteDataToFile(View->Storage,FileRefNum,EOLN);
- }